The overthrow of Bashar al-Assad was long in the making and has nothing to do with a civil war. There has never been a fight of the Syrian people against Assad. But President al-Assad fought against foreign-infiltrated and paid mercenaries, terrorists, including US-created Al Qaeda and IS / ISIS.
The traditional allies like Russia, Iran, and Iraq, suddenly disappeared. Russia made a semblance of fighting alongside the already badly damaged Syrian Air Force – to no avail. Then the Russians left, or rather, became busy evacuating their air bases in Syria. In time, before they would fall into the eager hands of Israel and its allied terrorist bands.
See this for original article
The connection between the Zionist-Israeli war against Palestine, then Lebanon and now Syria, next possibly Iran and Saudi Arabia and the Ukraine war becomes ever clearer. Jordan is already in Israel’s back-pocket. Without a fight. It is all about the Big War for Greater Israel. “Greater Israel” is the hidden agenda in the Great Reset and especially the UN Agenda 2030.
Both of these “guiding documents” were created under control of the Zionist supremacists.
Greater Israel, driven by worldwide Zionism, is also behind the “normally” illegal agreement between the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the UN of 2019.
For years, NATO has been successful in provoking again and again Russia, with ever more aggressive advances surrounding Russia, but preparing Ukraine for a senseless and hopeless war against Russia. This war eventually happened, with President Putin falling for the bait in February 2022, invading the predominantly Russian Donbass area for salvaging them from the murderous Ukrainian Azov Nazi troops.
While adamantly opposing western weapon deliveries to Ukraine, hence supporting Russia, Mr. Erdogan was officially accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza. However, silently the Turkish PM supported the idea of a Greater Israel. Because, as part of a deal, Turkey was to incorporate northern Syria, which was long prepared as a 30-km wide “buffer zone,” under the pretext of preventing migration from Idlib to Turkey.
The buffer zone served Turkey for years to transport stolen petrol from Syrian wells to Turkey and sell it to European customers.
All the talk about a ceasefire, and the eventual truce agreement signed between Turkey and Russia in Moscow on March 5, 2020, was just a make-believe farce for Turkey, which, under Erdogan, has proven to be an unfaithful ally to just about any country to whom Turkey wanted to appear as trustworthy. Such betrayals include Russia as well as the US and NATO, of which Turkey is a prominent member.
The NATO-provoked Russia-Ukraine conflict was the beginning of a senseless war, fought with western weapons and with western advice, and eventually with western mercenaries, if not specialized western troops, that had no other purpose than keeping Russia busy with Ukraine, losing tens of thousands of soldiers to western weapons so that Greater Israel could now march on – literally undisturbed.
The over a million Ukrainians senselessly killed shall not even be mentioned. All for the establishment of Greater Israel. All life is sacred, but none is as sacred as that of the Chosen People.
Some very smart psychological research must have been carried out by CIA-DARPA (the Pentagon-linked semi-secret thinktank, “Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency”), Mossad and MI6 – on President Putin. They have carefully studied his hesitancy on self-imposed “red-lines”, his eagerness to belong to the “west”, and concluded, the west could do almost anything and Putin’s reactions would just be half-hearted.
The last one of those half-hearted warnings was the Russian launching of the world’s most advanced supersonic multi-warhead, multi-directional, ultra-state-of-the-art Oreshnik long-range missile, towards a relatively harmless weapon-depot in Dnipro, Ukraine, on November 21, 2024. And that after Russia having been attacked by western made ATACMS (US), and Storm Shadows (UK-France) – which were Mr. Putin’s latest Red Line.
Putin’s unimpressive reaction gave the signal that the final war on Syria could start and be finished in a few days. The end game was fast. It started on November 27, 2024 by Syrian “opposition forces”, meaning US, Israel, UK, and possibly also Turkey funded and created terrorist forces like ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and other mercenaries.
They advanced rapidly, led by Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham, leader of the “Levant Liberation Committee”, a Sunni Islamist political and paramilitary organization. Aleppo fell first, then Hama and almost instantly, Damascus.
Russia, China, Iran, and Iraq were disturbingly absent. Without Russia and China, Iran would have been fully exposed to US and possibly Israeli attack missiles – targeting Iran’s nuclear energy facilities, a “coup” prepared by the recent negative inspection report by the UN International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), an agency dancing to the tunes of western commandos.
It was all planned, an almost perfect strategy, that started playing out with the US – Madame Victoria Nuland, Deputy Foreign Secretary-instigated Maidan Coup, in Kiev, on February 21, 2014. Mr. Jens Stoltenberg, former Secretary General of NATO, was right when he said the war started already in February 2014. And ten years later it was concluded – with a giant step forward by Zionist-Israel towards a Greater Israel for the “Chosen People”.
Strategically speaking, sadly, and for now, the west won and the east – Russia and her allies – lost. See also Paul Craig Robert’s excellent analysis.
What will happen next is a new ball-game. Was Russia prepared for this scenario? Being able to act now? For example, by using now the Oreshnik super-missile to strike Russia’s strategic targets in the west, in Israel and NATO countries, to – perhaps, reverse the trend?
Or is Russia just ready for internal damage control, leaving the world’s new globalist order, beginning with Greater Israel, play out?
Is the world experiencing planned chaos? Or a last-minute avoidance – and reversal – of a checkmate?
During the past weekend, President al-Assad transferred to the Syrian Prime Minister, Mohammed al-Bashir, the responsibility to hand over the country in a peaceful way to a new “government chosen by the people.” This new government is being established by foreign-funded terrorists.
President al-Assad left the country in a military jet. He is currently in Moscow, where President Putin greeted him and has granted him political asylum. Mr. Assad’s wife, Asma, has already been in Moscow for several months, where she is receiving cancer treatment.
According to a weak declaration describing the situation, Sergey Lavrov, Russia’s Foreign Minister, it is US policy in the Middle East and Syria that is responsible for the constant attacks on Syria, already during the times of Bashar al-Assad’s father, and it ceaselessly continued when his son, Bashar, took over.
Bashar al-Assad is an ophthalmologist, who had studied medicine in London. He is NOT the dictator made out to be by the west, and propagated by the western lie-media. Mr. Lavrov really does not bring any news on the table; he is just confirming the obvious.
President al-Assad wanted a free Syria for his people, pursued a liberal policy on religion – Christians were welcome – and gender equality for his highly educated people. Foreign funding for the usual “divide to conquer”, especially by the US, created religious divisions in Syria, and eventually some 50,000 Christians left the country.
Lavrov makes the US responsible for the rapid escalation and conquering of Aleppo, Homs, Hama and finally Damascus by foreign-funded terrorists, including by Turkey and Israel.
Israel occupied two-thirds of the Golan Heights area of Syria, following the 1967 Six-Day War, and then effectively annexed it in 1981. Except for the US, this action was never recognized by the UN and the international community. As part of the US-instigated escalation, in 2024 Israel occupied the remaining one third of the area. Israel has been launching missiles against and bombing Syria for most of 2024.
As it is clear today, Syria was then and is today part of the Zionist-Israel’s larger plan of a Greater Israel.
In hindsight, the so-called Arab Spring – a US-UK-Israel secret services organized Arab uprising that started in December 2010 in Tunisia, was also the signal for the US to intensify bombing of Syria, leading to the “Syrian Arab Spring” of March 2011. It converted to what is known as the “Syrian Civil War” – a misnomer for a US-led and paid for endless war of attrition, leaving Syria almost defenseless, up to the final assault, the end game of December 2024.
The more active precursor to the “endless war of attrition”, started already in 2000, when Qatar declared, they were going to build a US$ 10 billion, 1,500 km gas pipeline through Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Syria to Turkey, and from there to further distribution to Europe. Syria, an ally of Russia, rejected, since Russia was the main supplier of gas to Europe.
Strategic planners knew, of course, that Syra would not accept the pipeline through her country. Although expected, the rejection was not liked by the US. It gave Washington an argument to start a low-key “Syrian civil war” as a CIA operation, by regular, dispersed, and deadly attacks by western funded terrorist groups.
According to Seymour Hersh, already in 2006 – possibly earlier – the US Embassy in Damascus funded dissidents, Syrian, or terrorist “imports”, to the tune of five million dollars to systematically destabilize the country.
Today, in practical terms, Syria no longer exists. Since the western take-over of Syria, all the way to and including Damascus, Israel has launched several hundred attacks by war planes on Syria, the largest ever since the Israeli-Syria conflict began in 1967. And this after the fall of Damascus. Attacks against a helpless Syria.
The goal of these countless and ceaseless Israeli airstrikes is to destroy all remaining weapons and war potential. It is typical for a country that plans a full take-over with occupation.
The question remains: Is this the beginning of a new Middle Eastern status quo? A Greater Israel, absorbing roughly two-thirds of what today is called the Middle East – see map above – including the world’s largest pool of hydrocarbons – essentially controlling the world’s energy supply?
Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).
Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.