Long-Range Missiles Targeting Russia – Last Minute Efforts to Stop President-Elect Trump From Taking Office?
“Permission for American missile strikes deep into Russia is an unprecedented step that will lead to the start of World War III, but Russia’s response will be immediate.” —Vladimir Dzhabarov, First Deputy Chairman, Russian Federation Council Committee on International Affairs.
Please see this for original article
What Vladimir Dzhabarov says sounds in tune with Mr. Putin’s own words, expressed on various occasions,
“If Kiev was using NATO US-made long-range ATACMS or SCALP/Storm Shadow missiles, Russia will respond with tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine.”
And take note, President Putin also said, that
“Countries that have handed over these weapons to Ukraine will be considered direct participants in attacks against Russia.”
See this as a precursor to what may be coming.
If Kiev indeed shoots these ATACMS long-range missiles deep into Russia, God forbid into Moscow, Europe will be for the third time in about 120 years in the center of a world war – you may call it WWIII or simply no name because after that, it could well be that the world as we know it, will not exist anymore.
This is not fear-mongering. It could be real because NATO troops and weapons are stationed all over Europe. Germany is currently recruiting and training new soldiers to go to war with Russia. And those NATO bases and troops would logically be targeted first for destruction by Russia.
And would you believe, when this horrendous, thoughtless “authorization“ given by President Biden or whoever directs him, immediately followed by other NATO countries like the UK and France, the European media and public-at-large cheered for joy –
“This [the authorization] should have happened a long time ago!”
Can you imagine the brainlessness of such people – and media of course – who cheer for war, a war that most likely, if it indeed was to happen, would destroy those who cheer for joy about war and many more along with infrastructure, production capacity, agriculture, food, and the entire European economy.
That is of course the plan of UN Agenda 2030 and the WEF’s Great Reset.
What is in the cards is a last-minute attempt to stop Trump from taking office on 20 January 2025. If a war erupts due to NATO provocations, the US can and may call out Martial Law, under which continuation of the current Presidency would be an almost certainty. Biden could remain President, or in case he would be forced to resign by his party, the Dems, his Vice-President, Kamala Harris, alias Obama, would remain in the Globalist Seat of the US empire.
At the outset, it may look as if the Deep State was divided. The anti-globalist, anti-Woke, sovereign USA, MAGA side of the dark Deep State, allowed the election of Donald Trump just to give the appearance.
On the other hand, the globalist, monetized, linear, digitized, all-controlling, non-human Deep State, however, does not want to risk their power liquidated by non-globalist policies, by a sovereign leader, who may inspire other leaders around the globe to follow in the non-globalist, but sovereign, multi-polar, footsteps of a non-globalist world.
Therefore, a Big War may finish the anti-globalist dream of almost the entire world population. As long as money buys everything – Zionist wealth, into 12 to 15 digits (no kidding!), buys everything. It buys the US Congress, laws they will pass, amounting to censoring, to declaring anybody criticizing Israel for its genocide in Palestine, Lebanon – and, if not stopped, soon the entire Middle East – as criminal behavior. Any critique on Israel is NOT allowed.
Zionist power buys the US Presidency and with it the US vassals, European Union and is gradually moving back into South America – under the still very much observed 1823 Monroe Doctrine.
For good memory: President James Monroe’s 1823 annual message to Congress contained the so-called Monroe Doctrine, which warned European powers not to interfere in the affairs of the Western Hemisphere, considered territories under US influence. The Monroe Doctrine is alive and kicking to this day.
Just take this as a vivid example for “money vulnerability.” Towards the end of his campaign, Trump received a US$ 100 million “campaign donation” from Miriam Adelson – a prolific Israeli supporter and Iran hater. Acceptance of that money means not only obeying the donor but also verbally AND publicly standing behind Israel; and that with continued weapons supply.
With so much money buying Trump’s politics, there is not much room for Peace.
It appears that Mr. Trump did not have the integrity to return the 100 million, which would have given him more liberty and autonomy on how to shape his Middle East policies.
GOP megadonor Miriam Adelson is an Israeli-American physician, businesswoman and political donor. She is the widow of businessman Sheldon Adelson, with a long history of staunch support for Israel, no matter what Israel does.
Then, there is Trump’s nomination for Defense Minister, Fox News host Pete Hegseth, a pro-Israel and Iran hawk. See this.
By this choice, Trump is not only tapping someone largely inexperienced and untested on the global stage to take over the US military, but also an unforgiving, limitless, staunch Israeli supporter. There are several Cabinet nominees who are all Zionist-Israel supporters.
That does not bode well for Peace in the Middle East.
In fact, no Peace movement sounds good for the profit hungry Military-War Complex (MWC), and its sidekicks, the Tech- and Financial Giants.
So, who are the ones who attempt to block Trump’s move back into the White House?
Maybe the Globalists, who care more about total control, an all-digitized world where Artificial Intelligence (AI) will reign, where the Woke scam around the world will continue creating havoc, plus UN Agenda 2030, and the newly adopted UN Pact for the Future that includes a Global Digital Compact and a Declaration on Future Generations – and WHO as the GESTAPO-like worldwide health tyrant.
Though, as a Pact not legally binding, would President Trump opt out of it?
Too many questions for a straight answer. It is also possible that the Deep State in unison keeps playing with Us, the People, dividing the populace over and over again, a brainless compliant society, that cannot depart from its cognitive dissonance or ignorance, believing their authorities, despite the treacherous scams and crimes they have been living for decades, but mostly during the past four years.
Have we once more been fooled with Trump as the Agent of Change, as was Obama in 2008, who was supposedly bringing the change that people around the world were so much praying for? He made the status quo of US-NATO-led wars even worse, by starting four new ones – and eventually leading six wars throughout his Presidency. Mr. Trump has to his credit that he did not start any war during his Presidency 2016-2020.
Finally, keep this in mind:
“The biggest damage is created by the Silent Majority, which only wants to survive, submissive and obedient” [Sophie Scholl, original in German].
Civilization is demolishing itself, as it keeps depending on and believing in imposed authorities.
We, the People, are our Own Authority.
Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).
Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.