Germany elected a new Government on 23 February 2025. As predicted the Center right party, CDU, won with 28.5%, (208 seats), slightly less than forecast; second was also predicted the conservative progressive AfD - Alternative for Germany, with almost 21%, (152 seats), and third with 16.4% (120 seats), the the center-left Social Democrats. Parliament has 630 seat, an absolute majority are 316 seats. It would be logical that CDU and AfD would join in an alliance, and they could basically start tomorrow with a new government, because ideologically they are not too far apart.
See this for original article
However, logic is nowhere in Germany. They are politically "far apart".. Outgoing Chancellor Scholz wanted to prohibit AfD, but couldn't. What a democratic move! - So, Scholz warned any party to enter an alliance with AfD, because they consider AfD as a neonazi party. This is further from the truth than if you would name the so-called Social Democrats and the right-wing Greens a Nazi parties. So, its become a narrative of good standing, if you disassociate yourself from AfD. Yet a big portion of Germans think differently and wanted AfD in Government. They want Peace. Listening to he people would be democratic. They want an active and bustling economy, as was Germany known for.
Here are the values AfD stands for: Peace in Ukraine, in the Middle East Peace everywhere; out of NATO, out of the European Union (EU), "DEXIT", out of the Euro, the small brother designed according to the Ponzi-US-Dollar; AfD wants German controlled immigration rules, not dictated by Brussels. AfD wants to move forward to a (again) a sovereign Germany, with her own foreign policy, relations with Russia, and becoming again a part of this huge contiguous continent, called Eurasia, that incudes Russia, India, China, Asia Pacific, and even parts of the Middle East.
German economic prosperity stopped, when Scholz literally agreed with Biden to blow up the Nord Stream pipeline.
Don't believe me? Just watch the Press Conference in the White House on 7 February 2022, when Biden and Scholz stood next to each other, and a reporter asked, referring to Russian "sanctions", what are you going to do if Russia continues delivering gas to Germany, because Germany needs it? - Biden responded something to the effect, "We have ways to take care of that"; and Scholz looking at Biden with a smiling and telling nod, acknowledging that this was agreed. Often body language says what open language doesn't.
And why the mainstream aversion against AfD? - Because Germany has committed themselves to follow the insane Biden agenda, funding the Ukraine's war to last Ukrainian, no matter how many people still have to die, but Russia must suffer. Germany and Europe want war not Peace. France is as active in war seeking as is Germany. Macron was about to call a European Conference to brainstorm about ways to keep the war going despite Trump-Putin Peace talks.
That's why Trump invited Macron to the White House over last weekend, with a joined Press Conference, during which Trump was leaning towards a negotiated Peace with Russia, refraining calling Russia the aggressor, because he knows the NATO, Nuland history leading to the February 2014 Maidan Coup [the date, when actually the war began, according to a several times repeated statement by Jens Stoltenberg]; while Macron kept calling Russia the aggressor, also knowing the same history on how it got to when the Russian intervention started, the NATO provocation and all.
So Macron is a liar, a hypocrite and fits perfectly into the European picture. He needs to go the same way Scholz did.
Germany could become the change-agent that Europe needs, the change that the world needs. Today’s German election results was a big surprise for many Germans and others around the world who are still in denial.
For others – those who are more aware on how the public pulse ticks, not just since yesterday but soon after 2020, with the start of the Covid hoax, the neoliberal destruction of economies, locking down people, non-stop fearmongering, endless terror, and wars – this election result was a welcome and much needed indication of a potential bend in the road.
With almost all votes counted, the Christian Democrats (CDU – German acronym), center-right, came in with 28.5% of the votes, and in second place with about 20.5% is AfD – Alternative for Germany (AfD – German acronym), a conservative progressive party, almost doubling their voter support since the last election in 2021. AfD was created in 2013, only 12 years ago. That speaks volumes, a trend that is seen not just in Germany but throughout Europe and in the US too.
This 23 February vote was an advanced snap election, since the ruling coalition nicknamed “traffic light” (for the coalition parties colors: red [Social Democrats], green [Green Party], yellow [Free Democratic Party]), collapsed in early November 2024.
The Socialist Party, with Olaf Scholz as Chancellor, came in third with only 16.4%, the worst election results since 1949. According to the Financial Times, the party is poised for “its worst defeat since 1887.” From where they got this figure was not explained.
AfD is wrongly labeled by the paid and corrupted mainstream media as extreme right, some liken the party to neo-nazis, just because they separate themselves from the WEF (World Economic Forum) / UN-promoted Globalist-Neoliberal agenda.
Ex-Chancellor Olaf Scholz even wanted to ban the AfD party – what a democratic move! US Vice-President JD Vance was right with his Germany and EU demolishing speech, scolding them for anti-democratic behavior and censoring free speech, at the Munich Security Conference last Friday.
Since the banning did not work, Scholz and his defunct ruling coalition called for “stonewalling” the AfD, meaning that under no circumstances any party should enter a coalition arrangement with AfD for a new government. Another exemplary democratic move!
Here are the values AfD stands for – a sovereign (again) Germany, controlled immigration with Germany’s own immigration policy [not Brussels-imposed], stop the war in Ukraine, stop wars in general, meaning PEACE.
Whereas the up-to-now German government wants to continue the war in Ukraine, despite the Trump-Putin peace negotiations, killing potentially hundreds of thousands of more people, wiping out an entire generation of young men and women for a nonsensical war – that Ukraine can never (and should never) win, but that will completely destroy what’s left of Ukraine.
This is the same distorted view the European Union defends. France is apparently concocting a European summit to set up an agenda on how to continue aggressing Russia via Ukraine… it’s insane.
The AfD is one of the few reasonable, logical, and peace-seeking parties in Europe.
On a similar cord, AfD also is considering exiting the ever more technocratic, dictatorial, censoring, democracy-demolishing European Union, a so-called DEXIT, and consequently exiting the Euro, which was created as the small brother of the Ponzi-US-Dollar.
By the same token, AfD is also envisioning exiting NATO. It is clear with NATO there will be no peace in the world. War is NATO’s “raison d’être” – NATO is the feeding machine for the war industry.
And, most importantly for the German economy, AfD would reinstate relations with Russia and on a larger scale enter again the huge contiguous region of Eurasia, which includes, India, China, East Asia and Pacific, and parts of the Middle East. Not too long-ago Europe was an integral part of Eurasia.
Over the past 100-plus years, Europe was gradually coerced away from Eurasia by manipulations of US-UK secret services, including operations “Cold War”, “Gladio” the setting up of terror groups to control Europe by lies and fear. The final straw was the creation of the European Union – never an original European idea.
If AfD had her way, the party would embrace Germany and Europe and jump forward towards a new style sovereignty: independent monetary policies, defense policies, immigration policies and foreign relations policies. Germany would most likely be copied by many other European countries.
Germany is not there yet.
What will change in German politics, if anything, and possibly to some extent in Europe, depends largely on the coalition partner(s) the winning CDU will choose.
The German Parliament has 630 seats. With current election results, the AfD is posed to get 150 seats, and the CDU center-right winner 208; together 358 seats. Sufficient to form immediately a new government. An absolute majority is 316 seats.
CDU and AfD together could coalesce into a new alliance and start acting as a “new” Germany, leading the way for other European countries to follow, as most European people want CHANGE – change towards peace, towards national sovereignty, independent monetary and defense policies.
Foremost, they do no not want to be steered and dictated and controlled by central Brussels, with technocratic digitized rules.
Nobody in the whole world and in their clear mind wants to be controlled and digitized, AI-ed (AI- Artificial Intelligence) into a digital gulag. Take note, Mr. Musk!
For now, let us wait and see what will become of Germany after these elections.
Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).
Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.